Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Avatar Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Wins the Game!

As unconscious media abuses Him more and more, His global mission to raise the Collective Consciousness of the planet is increasingly expanding.

The tactics have become well known to all, keep posting as many negative article headlines on Google as possible no matter how defamatory, inaccurate, or misleading. Every few days, or every couple of hours, fabricate a new “scandal” and cut and paste the words “controversial God-man” then add some fact-less police charges if possible and make it another headline. If that doesn't work, hire out the local police, call up some goons, storm the premises, then have ashramites arrested without warrants.

The ferocity in which some major media outlets are attacking Paramahamsa Nithyananda and His organization is undeniable. The question is why? His potential to spread the vedic tradition through genuine, experientially based, scientifically verifiable, profoundly life enhancing courses and techniques is a great threat to those with vested interests in a cynical materialistic attitude that seems moments away from wiping out all sense of authentic spirituality from the planet earth.

Yet, after more then two years of a constant deluge of media attacks, Swamiji's Mission is only gathering in strength, breadth, and depth. Where is the reporting on the scientific studies conducted at the Bidadi ashram demonstrating a 1000% increase in mitochondrial cell energy? Or the results which show multiple DNA genomes becoming increasingly expressed after a 21 day program? This is foundation breaking science, medically speaking it is the first steps towards a total revolution of how humanity sees all health issues, human potential and the bodies inherent ability to heal without the use of drugs or invasive surgery.

To billion dollar drug companies and the corporate networks that support them, nothing could be a more frightening word then “healing”. “Cures” are acceptable, that is if they are based on a drug or surgery that can be patented and sold. One can no longer use the excuse that the general public is not interested in such issues. There are millions suffering from depression and stress related problems that are looking for all possible solutions.

Yet the male dominated, egocentric, infrastructure based culture soaked in a suicidal rational cynicism is on a war path, a last desperate attempt to level out reality once and for all, to fix it within its operating systems, narrow existence down to a few excel spreadsheet calculations, centrally manage all communications, patent and control food supplies, the list goes on and on. All this is to be forced subversively into human consciousness through the media (for example have McDonald’s as one of the lead sponsors of the Olympics so your kids can grow up healthy like an athlete????).

Media is the central playing field, and the fact that negative forces are using it so blatantly as a weapon against powerful Hindu Spiritual leaders shows their utter contempt for anything that exists beyond their limited framework of reality, especially if it brings healing, creativity, love and light into the hearts of thousands.

Yet, beautifully, gracefully, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has not only withstood these attacks, He is setting an Eternal Example of Divine Grace working in and through the world. He has already won the game! Each effort to delay His Mission only adds to His Everlasting Glories that will be spoken of for thousands of years to come. Those that recognize Paramahamsa Nithyananda as a living Incarnation or are aiding knowingly or unknowingly, directly or indirectly His Mission to raise the Collective Consciousness are the true Heralds of Light for the future of Mankind. Those that continue on with their destructive trend of cynicism towards the spiritual, who live without offering anything creative to the world, who would outright deny and slander the deepest existential experiences of thousands of devotes in order to get a few more hits for an online news article, shall pass away unnoticed along with the control systems of fear and greed that will be with purpose no more. OM

Divine Feminine Consciousness Spreads Across the Planet

Adorations to that Supremely Creative force pulsating in the heart of every pure intention, thought and action! Divine Mother, it is You we are in need of in these critical times! Clear the path for the creative geniuses of the future who will no longer be held down by the demands of ever increasing profit at the cost of health and humanity! What wonders shall bear fruit for this glorious planet by the nourishment of your Divine Grace and Care! You know where You are needed, what to tear down, what to build up, all the blockages that we have created are cleared before Your Infinite Vision! If we could but glimpse for a second through your Divine Eyes what wonders would we behold? The ever creative, super abundant flow of nature pulsating with life through an infinite variety of forms is but a speck of dust to You, who holds Cosmic Time between breaths of unfathomable creation and destruction. Who were we to think we could ignore You for so long? Polluting Your rivers, oceans, forests, mistreating our sacred vehicles of life for the sake of uniformity and convenience. You were the One to give us such powers, let us now orchestrate them to be in tune with Your flow, let our thought currents mend there way into Your blissful core, and from the vaults of Your Majestic Crystalline Heart, kindly allow us to bring back visions filled with Peace, Intelligence and Bliss. Let us weave Your splendorous dreams of light into the very fabric of our physical existence so that all may bear witness to Your Divine Vibrations of ever-expanding Consciousness and Light! OM

P21. Radiating Bliss Even While Under False Arrest

How wondrous the Lilas of the Divine! What a wonderful smirk of recognition from a police officer hauling off an Avatar to prison for no understandable reason! How absurd he must have felt! Let us put Him in jail, then when they find the absurdity of the whole thing, let us make another absurdity and put Him back in! Is it not obvious to the world we are dealing with an Incarnation who is expressing the Divine on a level that has never before been seen on the planet Earth??? To have thousands from around the world from all backgrounds, religions, ages, races following intently every word uttered, spending hours each day to watch a live Satsang without expectation??? En-TV is a Cosmic Phenomenon, we have no religious, philosophical, or spiritual understanding equipped enough to even begin to predict the implications of such an Auspicious offering to humanity. And, yet, He is the One we need to put behind bars, silence, make ineffective because, well, we have no alternatives, we simply cannot accept that such Divine Grace can be shared so freely on this planet. Well it IS. And no amount of absurd attempts to bar the Divine Flow of Grace shall put a stop to it even for the time it takes a glimmer of light to bounce of His eye to ours. Trying to arrest this Flow is like using sand bags filled air to stop an oncoming Tsunami. OM

P.32 Hanuman Wins 11 Gold Metals

Expressing numerous divine qualities, Hanuman gracefully accepted 11 gold metals at the 2012 Summer Olympics. Upon receiving the metals, he broke them all apart. When asked what he was doing he said he was looking for his beloved Lord Rama. When not found in the gold, he tossed the metals aside saying they were as worthless as bits of dust. The crowed all laughed at Hanuman, saying what a fool he was for looking for Rama and Sita in the gold metals. But brave Hanuman insisted that his Lord Rama was everywhere, in everything. Then to the utter shock of the crowed, he tore open His chest and revealed Lord Rama and Sita pulsating with life within his very being. With the crowed thus silenced, Hanuman gave His sincere blessings to all the other metal winners and the thousands of athletes who put fourth all their mighty efforts in the competition. OM

P. 108 Shiva Sutras

First Part
16. From being aware of the pure essence comes the shakti of non-duality.
17. Deliberation-pondering is being-wisdom.
18. World bliss is samadhi happiness.
19. In the abode of Shakti is creation of the body.
20. The collective abode of the elements is the universe, the elements
separately are the shocks.
21. From the appearance of pure knowledge come the many Shaktis of the lord of the circle (of the Shaktis).
22. By concentrating on the transcendent lake of female energy, mantra life is obtained.

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