Thursday, August 16, 2012

The All New Beacon Herald 1st Edition

Looking for editors:
Anyone interested in sharing original articles, content ideas, artworks, photos, poetry, etc, in the Beacon Herald, please send FB message to Ben. The more content received, the more frequently new editions can be released. The format is flexible, the main ideal is to radiate Insights and Bliss creatively to help inspire ourselves and others towards spirituality and provide an example, however small it may be, of a positive, socially responsible, Life Enhancing, conscious media. Thank you all in advance for contributing!

Nithyananda TV: The Cosmic Phenomenon that is Propelling Thousands Towards Enlightenment

Imagine if Buddha or Christ had access to a live internet broadcasting channel that has the potential to reach millions of individuals in their homes all across the world... Now imagine the impact these Great Prophets of Divine Awakening would of had on humanity if they had access to such technology... Today this scenario is not just one of imagination however, as this is currently taking place with the modern day Living Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Two thousand years ago the ability to transmit a message to a large mass of people was quite limited, and as time passed many misunderstandings clouded the original messages. The need of humanity was much different in those times as well. It used to be enough just to Enlighten a few individuals that could pass on the Light of Knowledge from generation to generation while the rest of humanity charted the course of their lives based on limited, general truths.

However, in the present era when the unchecked depression of a couple of political leaders could lead to an instantaneous global catastrophe, it is crucial that the Life Positive benefits of Enlightenment and authentic spiritual knowledge be spread across the planet as quickly as possible. Nithyananda TV is fulfilling this need in an unprecedented way. Thousands of people from hundreds of cities around the world are tuning in daily for a live free Satsang (to be in the company of the Highest Truth) conducted by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. There have been many reports of healing, Kundalini awakening, and recoveries from depression for Nithyananda TV viewers who are more like participants in the daily, spiritually fulfilling live Satsangs. The immense positive effect on these individuals lives that comes from having a live Darshan of a Living Avatar on a daily basis can not be over emphasized.

Although somehow, this broadcast has been largely, if not entirely, ignored by most of the media, as they try to suppress this Conscious Movement out of existence. Incarnations are renowned for their calls to wake up humanity, and in return have to face the revolt of a human consciousness that has been asleep for thousands of years. Most who try to wake up humanity are only acting on a few cells, or perhaps a finger of this great body of collective consciousness. Yet, Incarnations are the Cosmic Alarm Bells, Who's thunder strikes of Awakening and Grace are unavoidable reminders of our destiny as human beings to realize our full potential and live in the Light and Bliss of the Supreme Self, God, Cosmic Intelligence, whatever name you want to call It.

Presently, we are faced with not only a sleeping humanity, but a sleeping humanity that is inside a burning house, with smoke and fire spreading all over, with no time to delay or hold back. Nithyananda TV is boldly sending out a wake up call by creating a cosmic Wave of Grace every day, touching the hearts of thousands, and inspiring a total revolution of individuals decision making process that reduces the negative impact they have on the world and increases the positive effects and energy they radiate out into the world a thousand fold.

A sign of how asleep much of humanity still is can be seen in lack of response to the many miracles that have been preformed live, for all to see on Nithyananda TV for months. These are not just the rantings of a few devotes, many people from all over the world experienced and are still experiencing teleportation of vibhooti (sacred ash) first hand. Small objects were materialized live, over and over, yet the collective consciousness gave the whole thing a big yawn, saying “what is there in all this, must be someone paid to make it look like something is happening”. These miracles have been preformed under controlled conditions using modern x-ray technology, and still no reporting of it in the media.

Yet, these miracles are all but insignificant amusements compared to the real miracle of transforming thousands of peoples lives from the mists of confusion and depression to a shining life filled with bliss, inner strength and the courage to help uplift and awaken a sleeping humanity. There shall be thousands in the future that will testify to these truths. We are dealing with the most profound existential experiences human consciousness can conceive of, and as such, no force of man can suppress our voices forever. Let us be grateful for the Supreme Gratuitous Grace of seeing an Avatar live daily and let Nithyananda TV be the Cosmic Heralding Call for the Real Age of Enlightenment! OM

The New Face of Media, Media Made for Bliss

We have seen that, if you have the right media image, the proper financial backing and branding, and a big media name, you then have free reign to publish anything and everything you want, including un-newsworthy, insidiously offensive reports that tear down individuals without restraint, even if, or rather especially if, they are Living Enlightened Avatars who are greatly benefiting individuals and the society at large.

In the United States and abroad, the ideal of “free speech” has morphed into “whoever has the most money and media control and vested interests in gigantic multinational corporations free speech”. What are we to do if we are wanting to spread positive messages encouraging spiritual understanding and experiences in a vast sea of cynical, corporate controlled, materialistically minded, unconscious media? Well, the first thing we can do is laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing. Really, this can be the most healing thing to do. When faced with an enemy that is a million times more equipped then you are, what else can one do? Actually, it is much better then trying to take it seriously and fighting it on its own terms and rules that are all made for its own benefit and continued control. When you can playfully laugh at a thing, it no longer has an effect on you.

Creating socially responsible media does not have to be a serious or constraining affair. Rather, playful humor, sincere sharing of experience and inspired myth making can be powerful tools to create a positive impact on collective consciousness. Taking up the ultimate social responsibility is to share powerful spiritual truths with as many people as possible, encourage and empower Life Enhancing decision making, and celebrate all living beings as one with the Supreme Light of Consciousness. This is to be the ideal of this Publication, and shall be expressed From Bliss, Through Bliss and In Bliss. OM

Sports P16 Exploding in Enlightenment at the 2012 Summer Olympics
by AP, Ananda Press
The explosions of Bliss during this years 2012 London Summer Olympics were truly inspiring to all who were fortunate enough to attend these Divine Games. Hanuman's performance was one of a kind, as He expressed through action the truth that by aligning our physical, mental and spiritual strength with the Cause of the Divine through Devotion, Supreme Strength surges along with Divine Life and all things become possible. Lord Rama's winning of the archery contest expressed the sublime determination of Divine Will to hit its mark without using force or unnecessary effort. And the celebration that ensued as He was awarded the gold medal brought all the Devas and Humans together in ecstatic jubilation.

The Closing Ceremony was most grand, and brought together people from different faiths in rapturous displays of Divine Wonder. Jesus first appeared with a host of a thousand angels, and the stadium was filled with heavenly music as all felt the compassionate Grace of the Lord of Glory. Lord Buddha came next on stage and with Total Serenity, illustrated to all in attendance the Supreme Resoluteness required for achieving Full Enlightenment and overcoming the demons of laziness, lust and fear.

Finally, out from the great cauldron of Olympic Fire in the center of the Arena, appeared Living Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He sent out a tremendous Wave of Bliss to all that was felt all over the globe. Many became lighter-than-air and were seen levitating blissfully throughout the stadium. His Divine Presence at this years Olympic Closing Ceremony marked the End of the Kali Yuga, the age of darkness, and the beginning of Sat Yuga, an Era of Eternal Blissfulness where an awakened humanity shall live in the Light of the Highest Understandings of Enlightenment.

Sutras P108 The Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10. The Opulence of the Absolute

Chapter 10, Verse 1.
The Supreme Lord said: My dear friend, mighty-armed Arjuna, listen again to My supreme word, which I shall impart to you for your benefit and which will give you great joy.

Chapter 10, Verse 2.
Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and the sages.

Chapter 10, Verse 3.
He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds--he, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins.

Chapter 10, Verse 4-5.
Intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubt and delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-control and calmness, pleasure and pain, birth, death, fear, fearlessness, nonviolence, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame and infamy are created by Me alone.

Chapter 10, Verse 6.
The seven great sages and before them the four other great sages and the Manus [progenitors of mankind] are born out of My mind, and all creatures in these planets descend from them.

Chapter 10, Verse 7.
He who knows in truth this glory and power of Mine engages in unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt.

Chapter 10, Verse 8.
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

Chapter 10, Verse 9.
The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are surrendered to Me, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss enlightening one another and conversing about Me.

Chapter 10, Verse 10.
To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Chapter 10, Verse 11.
Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

1 comment:

  1. love your new bliss newspaper!! in all respects very creative. please continue with postings in hopes to bring many awakenings to our political leaders. it is time!!
